Empowering Self-Directed Joyful Learning

LEAP Homeschool Conference
February 17-18, 2023
Innovations Academy in Kearny Mesa
5454 Ruffin Road, San Diego CA 92123
Vendors offer direct services and support
to homeschooling families.
Vendor Fair: 9am - 5pm on Saturday February 18th.
Platinum Vendor Package: FEE: $100 (6 available)
Prime Space for your two six foot tables
Two free Instagram and Facebook advertisements
Quarter page advertisement in conference program
Advertisement on LEAP Conference website
Opportunity to place advertisement in participant swag bag
Option to add to the Opportunity Drawing
Pastries and Coffee at Check-in
Gold Vendor Package: FEE: $75
Space for your six-foot table
One free Instagram and Facebook advertisement
Advertisement on LEAP Conference website and in the program
Opportunity to place advertisement in participant swag bag
Option to add to the Opportunity Drawing
Pastries and Coffee at Check-in
Silver Vendor Package: FEE: $50
Space for your six-foot table
Advertisement on LEAP Conference website and in the program
Opportunity to place advertisement in participant swag bag
Option to add to the Opportunity Drawing
Pastries and Coffee at Check-in
Sponsors may be community partners without direct ties
to homeschooling families. Vendors with direct ties are also invited to sponsor the LEAP Homeschool Conference.
In-Kind Sponsorship
If you would like to donate your goods or services, please contact us directly at LeapHomeschoolConference@gmail.com.
Platinum Sponsorship: FEE $300
Space to hang an advertising banner on the Sponsor Wall
Full page advertisement in the LEAP program
Logo printed on the LEAP conference swag bag
Advertisement on LEAP conference website
Opportunity to place advertisement in the participant swag bag
Option to add to the Opportunity Drawing
Gold Sponsorship: FEE $200
Half page advertisement in the LEAP program
Logo printed on the LEAP conference swag bag
Advertisement on LEAP conference website
Opportunity to place advertisement in the participant swag bag
Option to add to the Opportunity Drawing
Silver Sponsorship: FEE $100
Quarter page advertisement in the LEAP program
Advertisement on LEAP conference website
Opportunity to place advertisement in the participant swag bag
Option to add to the Opportunity Drawing
LEAP is a San Diego Homeschool Conference with an appreciation for our ability to Learn, Explore, Advocate, and Play together. Our mission is to facilitate and create space for open, respectful dialogue in our diverse homeschooling community while supporting parents, students, and the San Diego homeschooling community.